Ways to fix Super MB Star C3 file XWSAPI.EXE not found

Hi, Nancy,

I use Super MB Star C3, Das Xentry, WIS EPC 09 2013. It is bought from Careucar last year. The tool works fine in diagnosing, but when I try to start WIS from DAS (F6), I receive a warning ” Internal error: File XWSAPI.EXE not found: application lanch is aborted”. In folder d2ksetup is made modification, file XWSAPI.EXE it is in f:\programme\xentry\bin\xwsapi\xwsapi.exe, and is not read only. Below is a picture of the error:
Super MB Star C3 WIS not run

Is there anything wrong with the program? How can I get it work? Please help!

Best regards,



Dear Philips,

According to our technicians, the error comes up mostly because you try to run WIS directly from the Super MB Star Xentry program. Please notice that to use the WIS function, you should go to the desktop, open the WIS alone and then check out the wiring diagram. They have tested WIS works fine when it stands alone.


Hope this would help. If the solution we provide does not work for you, please feel free to contact us at anytime at email: sales@careucar.com.

Best regards,



Hi, Nancy,

Thanks a lot, WIS stand alone works great.


Ways to fix Super MB Star C3 file XWSAPI.EXE not foundultima modifica: 2015-01-26T10:37:56+01:00da yiyantang
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